Founded by Julie D'Agostino in 2016
"I’d just moved to Boise, Idaho, and wanted to resume volunteering for a food recovery operation. I looked around and couldn’t find any organizations that rescued smaller quantities of fresh produce or freshly-made food. Because I had already volunteered to do this work, I knew its effectiveness, and I was utterly compelled to begin. I dug in and talked with both potential food donors and food recipient organizations to understand the pain points of donation and frustrations for each side. Once I understood that there is a need for recovered food in my area (and there IS in any community), I started as a proof of concept. We piloted it in Nov. 2016."
To read more about Julie and the start of RollingTomato read this article in Authority Magazine.
Our Goals
Reduce the amount of perfectly good food
going to waste locally -
Get fresh and nutritious food to people who need it
Show the community that food recovery
is an effective and essential resource